Chicago’s Historic Automobile Museum
Mission and Vision
By display and preservation, Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum will educate and engage current and future generations as to the transformational role that automobiles and their creators have played throughout history.

- To be a memorable destination for the Chicago community and for auto enthusiasts across the nation.
- To offer dynamic educational experiences that inspire, enlighten, and entertain visitors of all ages.
- To collect and preserve automobiles and memorabilia by Era and design, highlighting their designersand manufacturers.
- To honor the memory of pioneer automobile collector Larry Klairmont and his family who so generously donated this magnificent Museum to the public trust.
Core Values of the Museum’s Board and Staff
- We are committed to upholding professional standards in the maintenance of the Museum and its collections.
- We are dedicated to educating the American public especially our youth- about our nation’s early automotive history and its relevance to today.
- We value the study and teaching of automotive history and how it affects the present and the future.
- We are committed to maintaining high standards of professional and ethical museum practices and historical scholarship.
- We are dedicated to the highest level of conduct in our relationships with each other and in our governance of the Museum.
- We strive to be a preeminent educational and cultural resource for citizens of Chicago, the State of Illinois and beyond.

See Mr. Larry Klairmont in his own words describe his collection as it began the transition to becoming a public museum in the video below.